Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting, 7/5/18


    • Attendees: Mike Boulland, Kitty Monahan, Kim Gardner, Augusto Letona, Marilyn August, Roxanne & Greg Koopman, Ron Horii
    • If we do a cleanup on Santa Teresa Blvd., we need to contact the City of San Jose's Anti Graffiti and Anti Litter Program. They can provide cleanup supplies and pick up the trash we gather. They can also provide graffiti removal supplies. Before the cleanup, they can come to our meeting and give a presentation about the program and procedures. We should invite them to one of our meetings.
    • We need to work on our newsletter, for handing out at National Night Out. We need to get the articles written ASAP. Ron will edit the newsletter. Kitty can write about the volunteer recognitions and awards. Mike can write about the plans for Curie Drive, Rick Leonard memorial, John Dorrance retirement and past achievements. Kitty can ask Annie Thomson for information about the Parks Strategic Plan. Kitty can write about Rancho San Vicente. The Koopmans can write about the garden boxes. Greg can write about volunteering in general. Jorge should be able to write about Boy Scout projects. Ron can write about the Muriel Wright Center, our Beautify SJ Grant, the new volunteer system, our hikes, and Santa Teresa Park events. Gus can write about the FOSTP T-shirts. We have $200 in our Beautify SJ Grant to pay for newsletter expenses.
    • John Gibbs, Mike Wasserman's Chief of Staff, retired.
    • County Parks Director Robb Courtney will be retiring at the end of July. Deputy Director Don Rocha will be interim director. There is a public job opening listing, so they could hire someone from outside of the department. The County Executive, Jeff Smith, will make the decision on whom to hire.
    • There is a new County Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Darryl Ospring, who is from the Baldwin community. She was appointed last month. We should invite her to NNO and give her a tour of the park and give her a tour of the park.
    • Bank balance: $2203.83. There are 2 outstanding checks for $494.25 for T-shirts.
    • We spent $200 on UNSCC membership, $150 for event (National Night Out) insurance. If our event has >200 people, the insurance costs extra. We had <200 last year, so we forecast 199 for NNO.
    • Gus brought FOSTP T-shirts. It was designed by a Baldwin parent who bikes in the park. The shirt has our FOSTP logo on the front and a map of Santa Teresa Park on the back. The shirts cost $20 each. Our Beautify SJ Grant will pay $15/shirt. We bought 24 shirts. We cut two checks to pay for them. One will be from the grant for $15/shirt. The rest will be for the balance from our account. We can reimburse by selling them or buying them ourselves.
    • National Night Out (NNO), August 7, 5:00 pm:
      • Mike talked to Kevin Pietschker, who lives on Manila Drive. He will talk to his neighbors about NNO.
      • Our temporary food permit is coming. Our application to the County Parks was sent in Mary. Frank Weiland has it. The event is not in Samaritan yet. They will make a new opportunity category on Samaritan, called "Private."
      • Mike made a flyer for National Night Out. There were some errors. He will fix them and send out the revised version. We need to print them out and hand them out in the neighborhoods. Marilyn can do the Manila Drive-Curie neighborhood. Kim can pass them out around Martinvale. Gus can do the Baldwin Area. Ron will take them to the libraries and businesses.
      • Kim will handle registration at the FOSTP table. Her husband Robin will handle games. Marilyn will handle the ice cream booth and will buy popsicles and ice cream. She will bring coolers and get dry ice. We can give away cookies if they are invidually wrapped. We need a tarp and a canopy for the ice cream booth. Gus can bring a canopy. Ron will bring water bottles to weight it down. Mike will bring tables and chairs. Ron will bring posters with park pictures and easels to hold them. Greg & Roxanne won't be coming. They have cups for water. Steve Crockett is coming to help with parking. 
      • We need to publicize the event on Next Door. Ron, Sam, and Gus can post notices in their neighborhoods.
      • Debbie has raffle prizes. Ron will ask Carrie Grisenti about County Parks giveaways.
    • Mike met local author Jenny Walicek, who wrote a book called MINE:  El Despojo de Maria Zacarias Bernal Berreyesa. Maria was a Bernal from Rancho Santa Teresa. She married Jose Berryessa from Rancho San Vicente, which included the Almaden Valley. Jenny lives in Almaden. We should invite her to NNO. She might want to talk about her book, which is not for sale yet.
    • Concerning the Curie Drive trail/widening project: Helen Chapman in Councilmember Sergio Jimenez's office called Robb Courtney about it, who said park staff will make a dirt path along Curie Drive when they have time. We should go to the Parks Commission meeting to talk about it. We should get Bernal School involved. We already talked to the principal. We should talk to their PTA.
    • Our 501c3 application is on hold until September.
    • Debbie Porras can have FOSTP patches made if we want them.
    • We have 7-8 engraved FOSTP glasses leftover from last year's NNO.
    • Ron showed pictures: owl in the palm tree above the Bernal Ranch house, weeds and snake along the Mine Trail, plants along the Norred Trail, chairs and kicked-out rails at Santa Teresa Spring, walking sticks at the Joice Trailhead, water level and flow at the spring, movie night and campout in the Pueblo Area.
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       Created 7/6/18 by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park