Volunteers Recognition Dinner 6/5/03

Mike Boulland receiving the Volunteer Group of the Year Award 
for the Friends of Santa Teresa Park from Deputy Parks Director Joe Schultz

On June 5, 2003, the annual Santa Clara County Parks Volunteers Recognition Dinner was again held in the upper clubhouse at the Santa Teresa Golf Club and hosted by the Friends of Santa Teresa Park. Ron Horii put on slideshows on Santa Teresa Park. Mike Boulland brought displays on Santa Teresa Park. Some of his 4th grade students put on a skit and presentation on the history of Santa Teresa Park. The Friends of Santa Teresa Park won a lot of awards this year, much of which was due to all the volunteer hours put in at the Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch, which opened in June of last year. Here are some of the awards won by volunteers who have worked at least part of the time at Santa Teresa Park:
  • Donna Steiner: 50 Hour Award (85 hours in 2002, 185 cumulative hours)
  • Mario Blaum: 100 Hour Award (137 hours in 2002, 858 cumulative hours)
  • Dorene Boulland: 100 Hour Award (110 hours in 2002)
  • Holly Davis: 100 Hour Award (103 hours in 2002, 416 cumulative hours)
  • Donna Gillette: 100 Hour Award (120.5 hours in 2002, 485.5 cumulative hours)
  • Roy Ichinaga: 100 Hour Award (150 hours in 2002, 2639 cumulative hours)
  • Rick Leonard: 100 Hour Award (188 hours in 2002)
  • Joy Sandoval: 100 Hour Award (105 hours in 2002)
  • Brad Steiner: 100 Hour Award (130 hours in 2002)
  • Neil Steiner: 100 Hour Award (212 hours in 2002)
  • Dorothy Wuss: 250 Hour Award (301 hours)
  • Ronald Horii: 1000 Hour Award (1450 hours)
  • Mike Boulland: 1500 Hour Award (1738 hours)
  • Steven Crockett: 1500 Hour Award (1697 hours)
  • Kitty Monahan: 4500 Hour Award (4697 hours)
  • Junior Volunteer of the Year: Brian Shiveley
  • Junior Volunteer Group of the Year: Boy Scout Troop 717 and Coyote Crest 4H.
  • Volunteer Group of the Year: Friends of Santa Teresa Park
  • Volunteer Coordinating Council Award: Ronald Horii
Mike Boulland also gave a special certificate of appreciation to park interpreter John Dorrance for all the work he's done at the Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch.
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Created 6/22/2003, updated 7/7/03 by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park