Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting, 4/3/14


  • Attendees: Mike Boulland, Kitty Monahan, Sam Drake, Ed Jackson, Greg & Roxanne Koopman, and Ron Horii.
  • Last month's minutes were approved.
  • Treasurer's report: we have $819.55 in the bank. There's no change.
  • Festival in the Park was moved up earlier this year to June 7 so the Parks dept. could get money in earlier to get their finances settled for the fiscal year. They will send out invitations to exhibitors. There's no fundraising or selling allowed. We decided not to have our own booth.
  • Julie Lee said that Fandango has been cancelled for this year.
  • Mike asked Julie if we could do our own event and get the community involved. We could dedicate the sign at Coyote Peak. We could use park vans to bring people to the peak. Mike worked on the design for the signs. It needs to be ready for the Parks' May budget meeting. It takes a day to print the sign. Tamara Clark-Shear has a contractor who does sign design. Maintenance will put it in. It should be straight up to reduce fading. It should be covered up before the dedication. Mike proposes having the dedication on Saturday Oct. 25. Ron said that if it's our event, we need event insurance. Since it's in a new CAP Grant cycle, we could request CAP money to pay for insurance, but he hasn't heard if there's going to be another CAP Grant for this year. It would start in July. There's no application to fill out yet. On the other hand, if the County Parks runs the event, and we just help, then we might not need insurance. We could have a presentation about the Bernal Family. We could invite or at least inform public officials. Can we get the vans? There are 4 vans available. We can work with the rangers on access. (Santa Teresa has a new senior ranger.) What do we do about food and restrooms? There's a big flat area at the top. We could put picnic tables there.
  • Ron will start working on the newsletter, with the goal of distributing it at Festival in the Park. He needs articles by May 1. He will send out a list of suggested topics.
  • Roxanne said they are in the process of scheduling the school district's cross-country meet. She will talk to the parks dept. after the schedule is set. There are 6 more weeks in the school year. The SLUG Run is May 10. Next year, they hope to hold it at Martial Cottle, if the perimeter trail is complete.
  • Sam said there will be a groundinbreaking for the interim staging area for Mt. Umunhum on Umunhum Road on April 23. It is by invitation only. They will start building a parking lot there.
  • Sam said that Basim Jabr's next talk on the Almaden Air Force Station will be at the Casa Grande on April 6.
  • Ed said that nothing much has been happening around Santa Teresa Spring. The font around the spring is getting buried by dirt sliding down from the hill. We should propose clearing it out.
  • John Dorrance needs help pulling weeds around the Bernal Ranch House. He doesn't have an intern.
  • The budget for putting in trails at the Pyzak Ranch has been moved out. It's been taken out of the latest budget.
  • Ron showed pictures of the park: On 3/23, there were no flowers on the Stile Ranch Trail and the hills were dry. The Norred Trail on 3/30, shortly after it rained, had muddy footprints. Claytonia and poppies were growing. The hills were green. There were not a lot of wildflowers blooming on Bernal Hill, except for a few poppies and a lot of claytonia in one spot. On 3/30, there was lots of grass growing around the Bernal Ranch and mustard growing in the field below Santa Teresa Spring. The statue of St. Mary was still at the spring, where there was originally a statue of St. Teresa. Santa Teresa Spring's font is getting buried in mud. There's some kind of construction going on across from the entrance to the Muriel Wright Center. On 4/2, there were no wildflowers on the hills above the Rocky Ridge Trail and Mine Trail. The Mine Trail, which is usually muddy in the winter, was only slightly muddy. There was no water in the creek crossing the Mine Trail by the Rocky Ridge Trail junction.
  • On April 5, from 8:30-2pm, there's a foot race going on at Santa Teresa: the King Richard Annual Race.
  • Ron is teaching a photography class and leading a hike on the Mummy Mountain Trail on May 3 at 10:00, starting at the Mendoza Ranch in Coyote Lake/Harvey Bear County Park.
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    Created 4/22/14  by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park