Meeting attendees: Mike Boulland, Ronald Horii, Dorothy Wuss, Ken Silveira,
Mario Blaum, Holly Davis, Rick Leonard, Kitty Monahan, Judyth Hieb, Lynne
Paulson, John Klimaszewski.
The Rocky Ridge Trail is closed. The sign says it is due to storm damage.
Ken will look into the trail closure and what it takes to re-open it. Can
volunteers help?
The trails are too wet to use a grader. They have been grading at Almaden
Quicksilver and finished yesterday.
We need someone to be a trail crew leader. It can be done when we adopt
a trail. We need to have a rep that is trained to do trails. We want to
adopt a trail. We can work through a trail crew lead. The person would
be a liaison to doing trail work. Training starts Saturday and runs for
3 Saturdays. Leads will be trained how to maintain trails. The trail lead
can lead a trail work group, which has 8-10 people. We need a liaison to
the trail lead. Steve Crockett is being trained.
The Buck Norred service road to the right of the entrance is closed. There
is a volunteer foot trail on the other side of the canal leading to BGJ.
Looking at putting trail in.
California Trail Day is Saturday April 26 at possibly 3 sites.
The Joice Trail is muddy. People have been walking around the muddy section.
There is a lot of pig damage on the upper part of the trail. The pigs are
having their young and can be more aggressive.
There is a new volunteer coordinator: Beeny Sander. (Email: beeny.sander@mail.prk.co.santa-clara.ca.us)
There will be a wash day at the BGJ Ranch this Saturday from 12-6. [Note,
new Webpage]
There will be star hike on Saturday April 5. John Dorrance will publicize
March 29: wildflower hike.
Judyth is an anthropology major at SJSU. She's interested in Indians. Mike
wants to put up Indian displays in the park.
John and Lynne are from the Santa Teresa Foothills Neighborhood Association,
which is interested in preserving the Santa Teresa Hills and opening up
the Coyote-Alamitos Canal Trail. They live near the canal.
Mike gave a letter to Eric Goodrich to take to Chris Crockett about renewing
our park use permit. It needs to be renewed yearly. It covers us for activities
on park property.
We can to have a dedication of Buck Norred's - Tamara handles that. We
can have a BBQ, dedications by the department, tours of the facility,
and horse demos.
They are enlarging the Muriel Wright Center to 150 beds. It is for youths
18 and under. It is co-ed.
Calero Maintenance unit is handling 3 parks, including Santa Teresa. The
parks department will not fill up vacancies in maintenance. They will ask
volunteer groups to help. Volunteers can do weed-whacking and picking up
Hours (last 2 months):
Mario Blaum:10
Judyth: 10
Holly Davis: 20
Kitty Monahan: 3
Ronald Horii: 10
Dorothy Wuss: 3
Mike Boulland: 9
Rick Leonard: 10.
John: 2
Lynne Paulson: 2
Dorothy is giving a talk at the Berryessa Community Center next week.
Holly (treasurer's report and 4H):
Account balance: $854.80.
4H was asked to Want to do 4H event. Holly will volunteer horse. All 4H's
would set up demo area.
We should check out Pyzak's for artifacts that can be saved. Rick can go
in there if he wears his park badge.
The county doesn't have a depository for historical artifacts. We need
someplace to store them. We may be able to use the basement of Pyzak's
We renominated and re-elected the board.
Ron Horii showed a slideshow of pictures of the park.
Ronald Horii,
Secretary, Friends of Santa Teresa Park
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