Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting, 3/01/12


  • Attendees: Sam Drake, Mario Blaum, Maureen Kluska, Kitty Monahan, Mike Boulland, Woody Collins, Ronald Horii.
  • Correction to last month's minutes: 50 hours of volunteer time earns a parking pass.
  • Volunteer hours (FOSTP only) for last month: 33 hrs, 18 minutes.
  • Our balance is $274.95.
  • The Volunteer Recognition Dinner is Tuesday April 24 at the Drying Shed, 402 Toyon Avenue, San Jose, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
  • Mike talked to John Dorrance. He said the barn will be done in 4 weeks. The west barn will get a new floor in April. In May, there will be a reptiles and amphibians night.
  • Mike talked to senior ranger Aniko Millan. She said there is a temporary dog watering bowl behind the restrooms at the ranch. If it gets positive feedback, they will make it permanent. It gets people with dogs to enter at the proper location, which is from the paved parking lot.
  • On 3/19, park maintenance for Santa Teresa will move from Calero to Hellyer.
  • The new Healthy Trails Guide is being written. Aniko nominated several trails in Santa Teresa. Ron nominated the Norred Trail.
  • People will be cited if they walk their dogs in the historic area or along the canal. The ticket is $75, but court costs bring the penalty to $245 total. There will be signs placed along the canal and at the spring. Rangers will be patrolling the area in the mornings for compliance.
  • Mike got the OK to move the CAP Grant money to pay for our anniversary celebration expenses.
  • Elections are next month. Mike needs an assistant.
  • New Adopt-a-Trail signs have been made.
  • 4 lights are out on Curie drive. The wiring was stolen.
  • We're going to have our 20th anniversary party at the Santa Teresa Library from 10 to 2 on March 24.  Maureen is co-chairing the planning with Mike. Shari Sullivan will do rancho crafts. Maureen will do a writing activity. Ron will have a slideshow. Ash Kalra has been invited. Paul Bernal will come. The Tenor Band will play. Park commissioners have been invited. Dorene will handle a wildflower activity. We'll have posters of the history of FOSTP and will pass out park literature. We should put up posters at the farmer's market at Kaiser. The library will advertize the event at the library and will list it on their calendar. Paul Bernal will advertize it with the California Pioneers. We'll see if we can get it listed in newspapers. Eric Goodrich will come and talk. The library opens at 8:00. We can bring cookies instead of cake. It's less messy. We need to bring maps and newsletters. We can put treats in the community room to bring people in there. We need to have at least 1 person to man the table in the main part of the library and 1 in the community room. Sam can come in the morning. Mario can come in the afternoon. We should invite 4H and the Boy Scouts.
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    Created 3/18/12  by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park