- Attendees: Mike Boulland, Ronald Horii,
Monahan, Woody Collins, Mario Blaum, Sam Drake
- Minutes from the last meeting were approved.
- Account balance: $455.50.
- Drew Merry said he'd like to get a work party together at the Bernal Ranch to pull weeds and trim around the Caretaker's House. We need to decide on when. It can be a weekend in January.
- CAP Grant
- The CAP Grant mid-year report is due. It needs to say what we've done with the CAP money so far. We've spent it on the UNSCC insurance, the website, and Community Fest expenses.
- Mike attended a workshop that fulfills one of the 4 classes required for the CAP Grant. There is a convention coming up in April. We need people to attend.
- Mike says we should put together an annual report showing our achievements. We can put it on our webpage.
- Mike got a letter saying our CAP Cycle 22 Grant is closed.
- Santa Teresa Historic Site Plan
- Mike wants to see the Board of Supervisors approve the plan. He was worried that if the window is missed it, it might not be funded. Kitty said the budget is fiscal and runs from July to July
- The plan went to HULET. They put off approval to make sure the issues of multi-use trails are addressed.
- We want to see multi-use trails, but not paved. We are waiting to see the trail plan from the planning department. Details will be worked out.
- The ban on dogs and bikes in the historic area is not a written policy. It is at the discretion of the director. Lisa Killough is retiring on 12/31. Julie Mark is aware of the neighborhood concerns.
- Kitty moved that we accept the site plan as-is now, but work on the multi-use trails issue later.
- Kitty said that Yves Zsutty (San Jose Parks Trails manager) said they would put a crosswalk and arrows at the Albertson Parkway pointing to Santa Teresa.
- Mike attended the Historic Heritage Commission. There was 1 grant for the doctor's office at History San Jose. YSI got money for the Sanborn House. They have 1 choice left.
- The old barn will be fixed. The tree next to it will be saved.
- Roland wants to have a work party for the Pyzak House. Volunteers can't touch the house, but we can pull weeds.
- Mike made a Powerpoint presentation on putting interpretive signs on Coyote Peak. He wants to have 4 signs. We need to select the pictures. The stands for the signs cost $600. Robin will have the signs made. A consultant makes the signs. Maintenance installs them. The total cost is $800 per sign.
- Eric Goodrich is making a policy on graffiti.
- Next month, we will have a potluck at Mike's house.
- We should get a thank you gift for Jim McGrath and Tom Christensen for letting us use the clubhouse.
- Sam will be leading a geocaching class at Almaden Quicksilver at Wood Road on 1/16.
- Mario said the trails look great.
- Woody said the Rocky Ridge Trail is getting multi-tracked by the rock wall.
- The Adopt-a-Trail program is being approved. The volunteer coordinator needs to send it to all the managers for approval: Lisa Killough, Jim O'Connor, Matt Anderson, Robin Schaut, and Greg Bringelson.
- Ron showed slideshows of the Volunteers BBQ, crosswalks and broken doggie bag dispensers at the Albertson Parkway, peeled paint on the Santa Teresa interpretive sign on the Albertson Parkway, graffiti on the warning sign at the end of Manila Way, sprayer tank and bushes by the Caretaker's House, views from the Ohlone and Coyote Peak Trail, the roof of the Pyzak House, the picnic table moved under the Ohlone Trail bridge, graffiti on the bridge by the archery range, the Norred Trail, firefighters at the Pueblo Area, the Mine Trail, and the start of the Rocky Ridge Trail.
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