Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting Minutes for 11/7/02

  • Attendees: Mike Boulland, Ronald Horii, Rick Leonard, Mario Blaum, Bruce Pickett, Hazen Anderson, Don Schwartzrock,  Jim Kern
  • Mike was having E-mail problems and couldn't get the meeting notice out.
  • Hazen brought two of his neighbors from the Uvas area, Don and Jim. They were interested in starting a neighborhood action group for the Uvas Canyon area, which is near Uvas Canyon County Park. We talked about our group, neighborhood groups in general, 5013c requirements, and starting a park volunteer group for Uvas Canyon Park.
  • 5013c can be done if the organization is historically-related and is serving the greater community. UNSCC will be holding the 5013c for us. If you do a 5013c, you need to pay for an accounting. 
  • Website:
  • Trails (Mario)
    • The Coyote Peak Trail looks good.
    • The bridge is out at the archery range.
  • Mike:
    • 10/26 Ghost Walk: Mike couldn't get the van. He started at 10:30 and ended at 5:00. Next time, he wants to get a van. He wants to go through the Rosetto property. 
    • No one is in yet at the Bonetti/Pedro Bernal House across from Bernal School. We would prfer to have a ranger there who is willing to spend some extra time looking after the park.
    • John Dorrance has an intern to help with developing programs.
    • The drinking fountain is in at the BGJ Ranch.
    • Mike took a class of 34 kids to the BGJ Ranch. John Dorrance talked to them. The kids loved it.
  • Future Trails:
    • Buck Norred to BGJ. 
    • Lightfoot Trail: concerns are road crossing and spotted butterfly habitat.
  • Volunteer hours: 
    • Mike Boulland: 25
    • Ron Horii: 10
    • Rick Leonard: 15
    • Mario Blaum: 10
  • Parks Commission
    • The county is still in negotiations over the Pyzak property. Pyzak started moving out. The Pyzak house has been in the park's master plan.
  • Activities
    • County Parks Volunteer Barbecue/Social at 11:00 am, New Almaden Community Center. RSVP to Chris Crockett at (408) 846-5761.
    • Stairway to Heaven Hike, Saturday December 7. 6:30-9:30 pm, meet in front of the BGJ Ranch house. Reservations required.. Call (408) 226-5453.
    • January FOSTP meeting on Thursday Jan. 2 will be at Mike Boulland's house for dinner at 6:00 pm.
    • The Fantasy of Lights will be held at Vasona Lake County Park from Nov. 20 to Dec. 31. They can use volunteers.  Though we didn't decide to participate as a group, individuals can volunteer to help.
Ronald Horii, 
Secretary, Friends of Santa Teresa Park 

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Created 12/2/2002 by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park