Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting, 9/1/11

  • Attendees: Visitors: 2 sheriff deputies . Regular members Maureen Kluska, Mike Boulland, Kitty Monahan, Woody Collins, Ed Jackson, Ron Horii, Sam Drake
  • Maureen has been keeping track of membership. She said we have new members: Monica Arrellano, Gloria Gomez., Sandra Garzone, and Carlos Basilio.
  • All active members have received a copy of the volunteers handbook. It is available online.
  • Deputy Eric Bourassa talked about incidents in the park:
    • Last night, they arrested a parolee in the park after hours.
    • They arrest people all the time on Countryview Drive.
    • There are 2 houses going up on Countryview Drive and 1 more coming.
    • Santa Teresa Park is central in the county, so it gets a lot of law enforcement.
    • When the springs were burned, the call went first to San Jose dispatch, then transferred to the sheriffs. They were given the address of 350 Bernal Avenue. By the time they got the correct address, the arsonists were gone. They found bottles at the spring, which they fingerprinted.
    • People go up on the canal, walk across the pipe, go up the hill, and smoke pot. They caught a group of 20 on the hill above the Pedro Bernal House. They were not local.
    • They got an escapee from the Muriel Wright Center at the bottom of the hill.
    • Hellyer get the most graffiti.
    • San Jose Police will not respond to certain types of calls. The sheriffs will respond to everything, but will prioritize.
  • We had $658.70 in the bank. We spent $383 on the UNSCC membership, statement of information to the state, Fandango supplies, membership, and the PO box. We have a balance of $274.
  • Gloria Gill is holding a training class for park event leads on 9/23, all day. Leads are responsible for groups during events. Leads drive park vehicles and get safety training. They need to be fingerprinted and have their backgrounds checked.
  • The interpretive sign on Coyote Peak was approved by the Muwekmas. They will add a statement to it, translated into their language. It's not in this year's budget.
  • Ron showed pictures from Fandango. He showed pictures of Santa Teresa Spring, including the railing that was replaced, views from the Norred and Ohlone Trails, Indian grinding rocks near the golf course, and movie night at the Pueblo Area.
  • Mike is doing stories at the Santa Teresa Library on 9/24 from 4-6.
  • October 1, the Conference of California Historical Societies is taking a tour of the Bernal Ranch. Mike and Paul Bernal will be leading them.
  • October 1 is Ron's photography class at the Bernal Ranch starting at 10 am.
  • October 8 is the UNSCC conference. We need to take classes to fulfill the CAP Grant requirements. Mike and Ron are going in the afternoon.
  • October 8 is Pioneer Day at Almaden Quicksilver. It's at the Hacienda Area. They will be dedicating the outdoor museum. They built a model of a mine adit there.
  • Sam led a geocaching class at Almaden Quicksilver on 8/6. About 30 people showed up.
  • The Bay Area Ridge Trail event is next year from Lexington to Santa Teresa. Sam hiked from Lexington to Mockingbird. It took him 7 1/2 hours with 2 stops. It is 17 miles from Lexington to Mockingbird, 4 1/2 miles from there to the corral at the Pueblo Area.
  • We talked about making note cards to give as gifts to new members, using Ron's pictures.
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    Created 8/31/11  by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park