Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting, 4/4/13


  • Attendees: Mike Boulland, Kitty Monahan, Sam Drake, Ed Jackson, Woody Collins, Ron Horii
  • We have $674.95 in our account.
  • We never got the $400 CAP Mini-Grant. We did get our regular $400 CAP Grant, to pay for our UNSCC membership, our website, and a newsletter.
  • The CAP 26 mid-year report is due. Mike will work on it.
  • John Dorrance needs help to clear weeds at the Bernal Ranch.
  • Julie Lee was at the Bernal Ranch the Saturday before Easter. She said 75 people showed up. She had them play old time games.
  • A contractor is grading the trails.
  • Fandango is on Aug. 24. We will have our booth up front. No brick-making.
  • Festival in the Park at Hellyer is on June 22. We will not have our own booth.
  • We should have a newsletter ready to pass out at Festival in the Park. Ron will be editing it and is looking for articles.
  • We have nothing scheduled for the Santa Teresa Library.
  • We talked about the Coyote Peak sign. We have the pictures and an idea for the design. The issue is who will pay for it. We want the Parks Dept. to pay for the design and the sign. Sam will ask Robin Schaut what is the next step to get it done.
  • Ed said the mustard in front of Santa Teresa Spring has been cut down. It's all brown. There have been no problems at the spring recently. When they call the sheriffs, they come.
  • The State Earth Day will be on April 20. There will be a work day at Sanborn.
  • The Parks' vounteer program has moved into the Muriel Wright Center. Daniel McCulloch is subbing in for John George. He worked for Julie Lee at the Casa Grande.
  • Americorps is also using Muriel Wright. They helped fix it up and will be staying in the dorm rooms. They will be doing construction and maintenance work around the County Parks.
  • Ron showed a slideshow of the Muriel Wright Center, Rancho San Vicente hike in March, kids smoking below the Norred Trail in the evening, claytonia on the Norred Trail, flowers on the Mine-Fortini-Stile Ranch Trails, and flowers on Bernal Hill.
  • We talked about the lights at the Muriel Wright Center. They have always been brightly lit at night. Now that it's not a correctional facility, they may not be needed anymore.
  • April 13 is the wildflower hike at Almaden Quicksilver.
  • May 4 is Ron's photography class at Coyote Lake.
  • May 11 is the SCCOSA's event at their Coyote Valley preserve on Palm Avenue. It's on all-day event.
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    Created 4/29/13  by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park