Friends of Santa Teresa Park Meeting, 2/3/11

  • Attendees: Mike Boulland, Ronald Horii, Kitty Monahan, Maureen Kluska, Mario Blaum, Ed Jackson, Woody Collins, Sam Drake.
  • Nominations: we voted to keep the same officers as last year, but add Maureen Kluska as membership chairman.
  • The Santa Teresa Library Birthday event is on Saturday, February 5. We'll have 3-4 tables. It starts at 9:00 am for setup. The event starts at 10:00. FOSTP will have an information table. Ron will be giving a slideshow presentation on Santa Teresa Park and will display posters with pictures of the park . Sam will give a presentation and have a display on geocaching. Mike will read stories to the kids. Maureen and Mike are helping to plan the event and have been working with the librarian, Ruth Barefoot.
  • Ron showed his slideshow presentation on Santa Teresa Park. It included pictures he took on the Stile Ranch Trail on 1/29/11 and of rainbows taken from the Ridge Trail on 1/30/11.
  • Our bank balance is $369.62. We spent $6.70 on postage. Ron Horii donated $21.06 by returning the reimbursement check for last year’s expenses. Ron’s friends Lucy Ludwig and Mark Whisler donated $30.
  • Mike talked to senior ranger Aniko Millan about the issue of dog access around the Bernal Ranch. The master plan indicated which parts of the park are interpretive. Dog and bikes are not allowed in interpretive areas. The canal was left out of the plan.
  • Mike met with the Water District. They said that the Parks Dept. did not want to take responsibility for it. The Parks Dept. does have responsibility for enforcing no trespassing restrictions on the canal.
  • Mike met with acting Parks Director Julie Mark concerning using the Coyote-Alamitos Canal as a trail that dogs and bikes could use, but they couldn't agree on it.
  • For the Volunteer Recognition Dinner, Gloria Gill wants us to pick a group to honor. Ron suggested the DAR, which decorated the Casa Grande. The voting is next Tuesday.
  • Someone wanted to adopt the Ohlone Trail. Mike asked them to come to our meeting. Woody has adopted the Ohlone Trail, but hasn’t re-filed.
  • IBM has adopted the Yellow Kid Trail at Almaden Quicksilver.
  • Kitty filled out the paperwork for our adoption of the Norred Trail.
  • The VCC has not finalized all the details of the Adopt-a-Trail program, like how to monitor it.
  • Ed said there was graffiti on the canal near the pond. Tan paint was used to cover it up.
  • There were kids at Santa Teresa Spring at 8:30 am. They had skipped school. Aniko chased them, caught them, and talked to them. Kids have been caught at the spring smoking. They are middle school kids.
  • Mike and Art Boudreault went to the Saratoga History Club to give a history talk. They have a speaker series, which they give 3-5 times a year.
  • Mike suggested we have a similar series at the Santa Teresa Library and use it for fundraising. We can get the library to sponsor the talks and ask for donations.
  • The California Native Plant Society has an activity in April. They go to yards and see native plants. We can advertise a wildflower hike with them.
  • Cait Hutnik will lead wildflower hikes on 3/27, 4/17, 5/15 at Rancho San Vicente.
  • There will be a wildflower scavenger hunt at Almaden Quicksilver on April 9.
  • Reconstruction of the old barn has been put out to bid. They will save the tree in the corner. Roland wants to move the tree. He thinks it will cost $15K and move it between the two barns. The firm that can do it has a 98% success rate moving trees.
  • Mike, Kitty, and Lynne Paulson will meet with Ann Waltonsmith. She is a County Parks Commissioner and comes to VCC meetings. We should give her a tour of Santa Teresa Park and point out the issues that concern the neighbors.
  • The CAP Grant application for next year is due 2/23. We will request the same budget items as this year: UNSCC membership, website fees, event insurance for the pre-Mother's Day Hike and recognition event, newsletter expenses, and entertainment for Fandango, total $1000. Mike turned in the mid-year CAP report.
  • Lynne Paulson said the new president of the STFNA is Jon Reinke. The STFNA will be more active in opening the Coyote-Alamitos Canal Trail.
  • The Boy Scouts will help repair the broken fence at the Bonetti Ranch, along San Ignacio across from Bernal School. Aniko will set it up.
  • Sam will have geocaching hikes at Santa Teresa and Almaden Quicksilver in June and August.
  • Ron is leading a photography hike at Coyote Lake/Harvey Bear on the Mummy Mountain Trail on April 23.
  • Kitty talked about creating a program to get park leads who will help Park Maintenance clean up park entrance areas monthly. They picked the second Saturday of each month. They won't need full trail crew training, just safety training.
  • We are planning to put an interpretive plaque on Coyote Peak. Mike talked to Robin Schaut about the plaque. It may require going through the CEQA approval process. If it's a minimum impact on the environment, it's not an expensive process.
  • Ron showed a prototype full-size mock-up of the Coyote Peak interpretive plaque, with a panorama at the top and labeled telephoto pictures along the bottom, with a description of Coyote Peak. Kitty said the description should mention that the view shows we live in a valley.
  • Sam showed his panoramic picture from Bernal Hill, taken on an unusually clear day, and which shows the towers of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  • Should we ask for donations on our website?
  • The Pre-Mother's Day Hike will be at the Stile Ranch Trailhead on May 7.
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    Created 2/19/11, updated 3/5/11 by Ronald Horii, secretary of the Friends of Santa Teresa Park